
1968 case 450 dozer
1968 case 450 dozer

1968 case 450 dozer

Your dealer probably does not stock most parts, but can order and get them in a reasonable time. In other words I was able to clear a nice area out of the woods for my house, but it took awhile and both the 450 and myself were pretty tired at the end of the day. It comes down to a trade off between inital cost, operating cost and time to complete a project. I found that my 450 loader would have to work prety hard to knock down moderate sized trees. The 450 is durable but not a real "hoss". What you get should depend on what you plan to do with it. Usually the hole is not in a serious place and can be brazed up, but better to rebuild before the engine lets go. I'm told that the #3 con rod is usually the first thing to go, resulting in a new block "window". Watch for blow-by as a sign of a tired engine. Big enough to do serious work and small enough to be manuerverable and good on fuel. The Case 450 is a good little dozer for the money. Case dealer says it weighs 14,000# and his book dosen't give a HP for the 450, but it does show 40 Hp for a 188 in a Backhoe Also, would anyone know the weight of the machine and the HP of the 188 in the 450. I'm not sure, but I don't think the Cummins was in the 450C.

1968 case 450 dozer

If you can get one with the Cummins and it's in your price range buy it. It's hard to beat a Cummins in my opinion. As for the Cummins, if it's in a Case I think it's refered to as a CDC, Consolidated Diesel Corporation, but it's a cummins diesel. Someone had posted that the #3 rod sometimes came through the block. As far as I know the Case 188 is a pretty good engine. It looked like the tilt plates (Banana plates) on the back of the blade had never been off. Oil psi is about 60 when warm according to guage on dash. Will spin the new pads in good dirt under a load. It has a miss on one cylinder, but I'm hoping that is an injector or can be cleared up with a valve adjustment.


Serial # shows this unit to be a 1973 model.

1968 case 450 dozer